Hi there! I’m Doug Rice, and I’m thrilled that you’ve
found your way to Rainbowland!
Rainbowland is the name of my music studio, as well as the 22 acres of Northern California foothills paradise where I live. I'm in my 60's now, and still going strong in what has been a rich and storied musical life, with no end to the adventure in sight. I have over 100 albums in my catalog, the best of which are here and available for your enjoyment… totally free!
I got my college degree in music theory and composition, and have experienced a wide variety of musical contexts. At the heart, I am a singer-songwriter-guitarist with heavy leanings toward rock music and its seemingly endless expressions and interpretations. I often start with the music, but the lyrics contain the essence of what moves me. I am committed to seeing and expressing life through the positive window… it’s just so much more enjoyable that way, and I’ve come to understand that seeing positively has its own momentum. The better it gets, the better it gets. Songwriting is journaling for me, and over the past five decades, my life story is well documented through music and word.
I hope you will have a joyful romp through Rainbowland, and that you will take freely from whatever moves you.

Richard Rodrigue had the vision for this website, was its creator, and did the maintenance for five years. Richard was also the percussionist in the Doug Rice Acoustic Ensemble (DRAE), and among my dearest of friends. My gratitude is beyond measure. Richard passed away in August of 2019 but will always be alive in our hearts.
Jaine Rice is the quintessential Renaissance Woman… she makes magic anywhere she turns her attention. When it became time to find a new webmaster, Jaine volunteered. Within a matter of days, she turned her unfamiliarity with the process into mastery. She is an artist of many dimensions – a poet, a novelist, a singer-songwriter (several performances are available for viewing in the video section), a painter, a gardener, a tractor driver, a mountain climber…. On and on. Most of all, she is a magnificent human being and a dream sister… and now, my Webmaster!.

One other little shout out – to Harmony Purdy, creator of the beautiful website masthead. Harmony is a very talented artist, and the daughter of my Star People bandmates, Star and Geri. Thanks, Harmony!